{ "currentVersion": 10.9, "cimVersion": "2.7.0", "id": 7, "name": "plume96_AFCEE08_Merge", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "Coverage of Cape Cod potential plumes from landfills and wastewater treatment plants from 2001. This coverage has been modified on several occasions from the original USGS version which used digital base features at 1:100,000 scale. Delineations by staff hydrologists on USGS quadrangle base maps (1967-1972 versions) were digitized by Cape Cod Commission staff for commission related work and Regional Policy Plans of 1991, 1996, and 2001. Topographic contours on the quads and hydrologic principles were followed in delineating the outlines. Under the assumption that these waste disposal areas would leach pollutants into the groundwater, and that the leachate would follow groundwater table flow, hydrologists delineated the plumes based on the slope of the water table in each area and the surface topography.Rowid1LAYER_CODELAYER_NAMEPLUME96MLAYER_PRODSTATPLAYER_SOURCEINCLUDE GOVT AGENCY STUDIES, CONSULTANTS, AND CCC WATER RES. STAFF.LAYER_PRJCTNNAD83 METERS ZONE 4151LAYER_AUTODIGITIZED WITH CALCOMP 9100LAYER_KEYWORDSLAYER_DESC1SUSPECTED OR POTENTIAL POLLUTION PLUMES FOR CAPE CODLAYER_DESC2MAINLY FROM LANDFILLS AND TREATMENT PLANTS.LAYER_REP_MODELPOLYGONLAYER_USEREGIONAL PLANNING-1:25,000 TO 1:80,000 SLAYER_UNITSMETERSLAYER_PROGRAM1REGIONAL POLICY PLANLAYER_PROGRAM2GARY PRAHM SYSTEM MANAGER 3225 MAIN ST. BARNSTABLE, MA 02630LAYER_MANAGER(508) 362-3828LAYER_AGENCYCAPE COD COMMISSIONLAYER_DIST_MGRMassGIS (617)727-5227 Ext. 322, 307, 308, 309LAYER_COORD_PRECSINGLELAYER_DIST_STATTHIS DATA MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED TO ANY PARTY WITHOUT EOEA ALAYER_EXPORT_FEE0LAYER_INDEX_COVLAYER_COMMENTS1CHANGES SINCE 1991 INCLUDE SDW LF- FSW LF- BHW LF- MIW LFLAYER_COMMENTS2ADDED FSW WWTF PLUME ALSO. USE MMRTOXN7 FOR OTIS PLUMES.LAYER_COMMENTS3LAST_MOD_DATE1997-07-09", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 26986, "latestWkid": 26986, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -36530900, "falseY": -28803200, "xyUnits": 1.2261065281195112E8, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "Cape Cod Commission, 2001", "parentLayer": { "id": 1, "name": "Contrained Layers" }, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 189, 145, 141, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 110, 110, 110, 0 ], "width": 0.7 } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 0, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": 271423.8125, "ymin": 814884.5702, "xmax": 327065.625, "ymax": 868693.9375, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 26986, "latestWkid": 26986, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -36530900, "falseY": -28803200, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayField": "AREA", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "FID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "FID", "domain": null }, { "name": "Shape", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "Shape", "domain": null }, { "name": "AREA", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "AREA", "domain": null }, { "name": "PERIMETER", "type": "esriFieldTypeSingle", "alias": "PERIMETER", "domain": null }, { "name": "PLUME96_", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "PLUME96_", "domain": null }, { "name": "PLUME96_ID", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "PLUME96_ID", "domain": null }, { "name": "Id", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Id", "domain": null }, { "name": "Shape_Leng", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Shape_Leng", "domain": null }, { "name": "Shape_Area", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Shape_Area", "domain": null } ], "geometryField": { "name": "Shape", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "Shape" }, "indexes": [ { "name": "Shape", "fields": "Shape", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": false, "description": "" } ], "subtypes": [], "relationships": [], "canModifyLayer": true, "canScaleSymbols": false, "hasLabels": false, "capabilities": "Query,Map,Data", "maxRecordCount": 2000, "supportsStatistics": false, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": false, "supportsAdvancedQueries": false, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "isDataVersioned": false, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {"allowOthersToQuery": true}, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportsStatistics": false, "supportsPercentileStatistics": false, "supportsHavingClause": false, "supportsOrderBy": false, "supportsDistinct": false, "supportsCountDistinct": false, "supportsPagination": false, "supportsLod": false, "supportsQueryWithLodSR": false, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsSqlExpression": false, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsSqlFormat": false }, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "dateFieldsTimeReference": null, "preferredTimeReference": null, "datesInUnknownTimezone": false, "hasMetadata": true, "isDataArchived": false, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsDynamicLegends": true }