Description: In MACRIS the points are symbolized to indicate the most common historic designation types: 1) National Register of Historic Places, 2) local historic district, 3) both National Register and local historic district, 4) Preservation Restriction, and 5) inventoried but not designated with one of the previous designations. Less common designations are not symbolized in MACRIS, but are included in the Designations attribute field. MassGIS stores a copy of the point feature class as MHCINV_PT. MassGIS projected the data to the NAD1983 Mass. State Plane Meters Mainland coordinate system.Provided to MassGIS on July 10, 2020.Information from the MACRIS database and related records on file at the MHC, including the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth, National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, local historic district study reports, local landmark reports, and other materials.
Description: Information from the MACRIS database and related records on file at the MHC, including the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth, National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, local historic district study reports, local landmark reports, and other materials. MassGIS stores a copy of this polygon feature class as MHCINV_POLY. MassGIS projected the data to the NAD1983 Mass. State Plane Meters Mainland coordinate system.Provided to MassGIS on July 10, 2020.
Description: The boundary of the base was digitized as an ArcInfo coverage (from maps in the 1985 master plan) for the MMR Master Plan of 1998, conducted by the Cape Cod Commission and the Community Working Group. This shape file version has had edits to the boundary with guidance from Mark Begley, Executive Director of the Mass. Environmental Management Commission at Camp Edwards. As of 7/24/14, it is still considered to be under review, but was accepted for use in the 2013 Joint Land Use Study.
Description: The Commission's regulatory powers are well defined and generally limited to reviews of large-scale developments, known as "Developments of Regional Impact" (DRIs). The Commission's regulations supplement local authority throughout the 15 towns of Barnstable County. The Commission's authority supplements local authority. Towns refer projects to the Commission for DRI review as: mandatory referrals, which are required for any project exceeding specific thresholds, and discretionary referrals, which towns use at their option to seek Commission consideration of specific project-related impacts. Applicants may also pursue a Jurisdictional Determination, a DRI Exemption, a Hardship Exemption, or a type of Hardship Exemption called a "Project of Community Benefit" (POCB). The various types of regional review options are described within the Enabling Regulations Governing Review of Developments of Regional Impact.
Name: All Cape Cod District of Critical Planning Concerns
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: See individual DCPC references.
Copyright Text: Data edited to be DCPC boundary by the GIS department of the Cape Cod Commission. Barnstable DCPCs are digitized by Horsley and Whitten and Barnstable GIS Unit.
Copyright Text: The Cape Cod Commission GIS Department developed this zoning layer in 2004 with most recent modifications completed in November 2018.
The standardized zoning format was devised by MassGIS in 2003.
Description: Point locations with village names as attributes. The points are located in the approximate center of the village. Originally started in 1997 by CCC staff, with additions as needed for various projects.