Description: This Data Set is Orleans's digital parcel submission for complying with MassGIS Level 3 par. Last updated by CGIS Mapping, LLC, on 12/18/2023.
Copyright Text: Town of Orleans, MassGIS, CDM Smith. Parcel mapping data maintained by CGIS Mapping, LLC.
Description: Original planimetric features were derived from 2014 imagery, with a horizontal positional accuracy that shall not exceed 0.38-meters NSSDA 95% confidence (0.22-meters Root Mean Squared (RMSE) Error XY (0.15 meter RMSE X or Y), suitable for 40-scale planimetrics. All data was compiled using softcopy photogrammetric methods and map compilation was conducted under the direct supervision of an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist. Map compilation methods used must ensure that the final deliverable will meet the project's accuracy requirements.About the 2020 data acquisition project:Update features in an existing planimetric dataset, and collect some new additional feature classes, from imagery acquired in the spring of 2020, with a horizontal positional accuracy that shall not exceed 0.38-meters NSSDA 95% confidence (0.22-meters Root Mean Squared (RMSE) Error XY (0.15-meter RMSE X or Y), suitable for 40-scale Planimetrics.Imagery Bands: 4-band (true color & near infrared) Acceptable Window: Spring 2020, generally thought to be from February 1, 2020 and continue through April 30, 2020. Acquisition Conditions: Leaf off, snow free, free from clouds, smoke, haze, light streaks, flooding (streams/rivers in banks), and excessive soil moisture. Sun angle: Greater than 35 degrees over entire project. Minimal shadows, generally between 10am and 2pm. Resolution: 7.5 cm Ground Sample Distance (pixel resolution)
Copyright Text: Cape Cod Commission, 2014, 2020.
Cape Cod Commission funded project completed by Quantum Spatial, Inc. starting in 2020.
Based on Spring 2020 aerial photography.
Description: Information from the MACRIS database and related records on file at the MHC, including the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth, National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, local historic district study reports, local landmark reports, and other materials. MassGIS stores a copy of this polygon feature class as MHCINV_POLY. MassGIS projected the data to the NAD1983 Mass. State Plane Meters Mainland coordinate system.Provided to MassGIS on July 19, 2023.
Description: The MassDEP Wetlands dataset comprises two ArcGIS geodatabase feature classes:The WETLANDSDEP_POLY layer contains polygon features delineating mapped wetland resource areas and attribute codes indicating wetland type.The WETLANDSDEP_ARC layer was generated from the polygon features and contains arc attribute coding based on the adjacent polygons as well as arcs defined as hydrologic connections.Together these statewide layers enhance and replace the original MassDEP wetlands layers, formerly known as DEP Wetlands (1:12,000). It should be noted that these layers provide a medium-scale representation of the wetland areas of the state and are for planning purposes only. Wetlands boundary determination for other purposes, such as the Wetlands Protection Act MA Act M.G.L. c. 131 or local bylaws must use the relevant procedures and criteria.The original MassDEP wetlands mapping project was based on the photo-interpretation of 1:12,000, stereo color-infrared (CIR) photography, captured between 1990 and 2000, and included field verification by the MassDEP Wetlands Conservancy Program (WCP). In 2007 the MassDEP WCP began a statewide effort to assess and where necessary update the original wetlands data. The MassDEP WCP used ESRI ArcGIS Desktop software, assisted by the PurVIEW Stereo Viewing extension, to evaluate and update the original wetlands features based on photo-interpretation of 0.5m, (1:5,000) digital stereo CIR imagery statewide, captured in April 2005. No field verification was conducted on this updated 2005 wetlands data.The 2005 WETLANDSDEP_POLY layer includes polygon features that distinguish it from its predecessor by overall changes in size and shape. In addition, new polygons have been created and original ones deleted. Many of the polygons, however, remain the same as in the original layer. All changes have been made according to the techniques described below. For the purpose of cartographic continuity, a small number of coastal polygons outside the state boundary where added based on data provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).The 2005 WETLANDSDEP_ARC layer was generated to support map display and was designed to cartographically enhance the rendering of wetland features on a base map. Arc features in this layer were generated from the wetland polygons and coding (ARC_CODE) was assigned based on the adjacent polygon types. Hydrologic connection features (ARC_CODE = 7) were then added. Where delineated, these arc features indicate an observed hydrologic connection to or between wetland polygons. Although efforts were made to be comprehensive and thorough in mapping hydrologic connections, due to the limitations of aerial photo-interpretation some areas may have been missed.The types of updates made to the original wetland features include alteration, movement/realignment and reclassification. In some cases original wetland areas have been deleted and new areas have been added. Updates to original wetland features resulted from the following factors: changes in the natural environment due to human activity or natural causes; advances in the field of remote sensing, allowing for more refined mapping.Edit changes to the original wetland data include:Addition of new wetland and hydrologic connection featuresAppending (expansion or realignment) of existing (original) wetland and hydrologic connection featuresReclassification of wetlands features, due to change in wetlands environment from the original classificationMovement (or shifting) of original wetland features to better match the source imageryDeletion of original wetland or hydrologic connection features due to changes in wetlands environment or inconsistency with mapping criteria.Please note that although efforts were made to be comprehensive and thorough in the evaluation and mapping of statewide wetland resources some areas of the state may have been missed. Many of the wetland and hydrologic connection features remain the same as in the original data. The polygon attribute SOURCE_SCALE may be used to identify areas that have been altered from the original wetlands. The SOURCE_SCALE code 5000 indicates an updated wetland area. The SOURCE_SCALE code 12000 indicates an unaltered, original wetland polygon.
Copyright Text: Massachusetts Deptartment of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Wetlands Conservancy Program (WCP)
Description: DEP Approved Wellhead Protection Areas (Zone II). As stated in 310 CMR 22.02, a Zone II is: "That area of an aquifer which contributes water to a well under the most severe pumping and recharge conditions that can be realistically anticipated (180 days of pumping at safe yield, with no recharge from precipitation). It is bounded by the groundwater divides which result from pumping the well and by the contact of the aquifer with less permeable materials such as till or bedrock. In some cases, streams or lakes may act as recharge boundaries. In all cases, Zone IIs shall extend up gradient to its point of intersection with prevailing hydrogeologic boundaries (a groundwater flow divide, a contact with till or bedorck , or a recharge boundary)." This dataset is a dissolved version of ZONE2_POLY.
Description: The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) data incorporates all Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) databases published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and any Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs) that have been issued against those databases since their publication date. It is updated on a monthly basis. The FIRM Database is the digital, geospatial version of the flood hazard information shown on the published paper FIRMs. The FIRM Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The primary risk classifications used are the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, the 0.2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. The FIRM Database is derived from Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), previously published FIRMs, flood hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMs, and new mapping data, where available. The FISs and FIRMs are published by FEMA. The NFHL is available as State or US Territory data sets. Each State or Territory data set consists of all FIRM Databases and corresponding LOMRs available on the publication date of the data set. The specification for the horizontal control of FIRM Databases is consistent with those required for mapping at a scale of 1:12,000. The original file was georeferenced to the Earth's surface using the Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) and North American Datum of 1983, however, CCC projected this feature to be in NAD83 state plane meters.
Copyright Text: National Flood Insurance Program, March 10, 2022.